Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Aloha Products

Aloha Products is a United States-based coffee-processor company that has been providing non-specialty and low-priced coffee for over a hundred years. It purchases the raw materials or what buyers and sellers refer to as â€Å"green coffee† from brokers and trade firms then processes the coffee and sells the final product to customers. Large companies such as Nestle and P&G directly import the unprocessed or green coffee beans from coffee plantations in tropical countries such as Brazil and Colombia while companies with smaller levels of business such as such as Aloha buy the green coffee beans from brokers or trade firms.Aloha Products is managed by the owners and its headquarters is located in Ohio, United States. It has three plants located in Midwestern United States, each plant being responsible for its own profit and loss. Each plants performance is measured by each plant managers gross margin generated per plant. The raw materials or green coffee beans are handled by th e company’s purchasing unit that is located in New York City. Each plant receives a production schedule that is determined from the center and receives raw materials as well as pay in accordance with the production requirements of each plant.Aloha’s Top management is regulated by the members of the founding family. Company uses centralized control system where all main decisions regarding purchases, production, sales, marketing and promotion are made on corporate level while plant managers are only responsible for their profit and loss. Also there is centralized preparation of overall financial statement at home offices. This organization has led plant managers to a lack of adequate control over the activities of the managed plant; however, they are still assessed on the performance.This method has been done until in the 1990s, when the plant managers started to speak out on their dissatisfaction on the computation of their bonuses since they do not have authority to d etermine the prices of raw materials, production schedules and output prices from the manufacturer. External factors such as the steady decline in Americans consumption of coffee from 1965 to 1990 affected the sales and profits of coffee processors as well.Because of this, the company president hired a consulting firm to evaluate the current control systems in the three major departments: Plant Operations, Sales and Marketing and the Purchasing groups. 2. Case Question No-1: Evaluate the current control systems for the manufacturing, marketing, and purchasing departments of Aloha Products Answer is: From the case we can see that Aloha products have a centralized control system. What this means is that the main office or headquarters handled the purchasing, marketing and sales activities of each of the three plants.Based on the current control system evaluating three major departments of Aloha Products are described as follows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Evaluation of Manufacturing Departments: Th ere are three production plants within AP’s manufacturing department; each plant is responsible for their own profits and losses. Unfortunately, the managers have no control over the any of the major activities in their respective production facilities. the vice president of manufacturing oversees all of the roasting, grinding, and packaging processes. Production schedules are provided to each plant manager for the current and following month.The plant managers also have no control over the green beans purchase, production schedule, production mix, or the costs of their inputs, as the purchasing department assigns the costs based on the specific contract for that shipment. If the inputs exceed the plant’s requirements, they are sold at the spot rate in the market, and could very well result in a loss. Evaluation of Purchasing Departments: The purchasing department is responsible for obtaining the required quantities and types of green coffee to be roasted in the produc tion plants.The level of sophistication and expertise needed makes this department a necessity; proper staffing is vital based on the complexity of the green coffee market. This department relies on relationships with growers and brokers; for smaller firms, an important feature of this department is their ability to foresee demand and required inventory and subsequently enter into forward contracts with brokers, anywhere from three to twelvemonths in advance. The costs of each shipment are based on the specific contracts for those green coffee beans, which can vary based on the various price drivers previously mentioned.This can create a diversified and volatile cost of inventory. Required inventory demand is based on communication between marketing (sales) and the purchasing department, any discrepancies at the current date is met by purchases through the spot market, which incurs significantly higher costs. The costs associated with running this purchasing department are charged t o the headquarters of AP. Currently, there is no communication between the purchasing and manufacturing department. Furthermore, purchasing department does not need to report to head office or meet any performance measurement standard.Ultimately, the power resides with upper management of the purchasing unit. Evaluation of Marketing (SALES) Departments: Under the current structure, this department is centralized. The president of AP and vice president of sales are in charge of advertising and promotion of the final products. The marketing department also determines the budgeted sales, which are then passed onto the purchasing department. Case Question No-2: Considering the company’s competitive strategy, what changes, if any, would you make to the control systems of the three departments?Answer is: The changes to the current control systems involve establishing accountability and effective communication among the three departments and providing key measures to evaluate the ma nagers’ performance objectively. Recommendations for the current management control system of Aloha Products are as follows†¦. Recommendation for Manufacturing Departments: The manufacturing department is currently a profit center. However, the plants do not have control over the costs of the green coffee.Thus, the main concern of this department as a whole should be efficiency; how well they can control the costs to roast green coffee. As such, were commend that the manufacturing department’s plants be accountable for the costs incurred to roast and package the green coffee. The performance measure for the manufacturing department at AP should be evaluated based solely on the roasting, grinding, and packaging of AP’s coffees. Conceptually, it’s unfair to evaluate manufacturing as a profit center, when in reality it has little to no control over product costs or sales.Since control over purchasing and selling will not be transferred to the manufactur ing department in this proposal, it is logical to assess based on controllable factors such as cost/pound only. This is in contrast to a measure such as using manufacturing costs as a percentage of net sales. Instead of being assessed for the performance of the purchasing and marketing departments, plant managers will now have an incentive to ensure their costs do not vary from the standard. It would still be possible to evaluate roasting plants based on gross margin as well.However, to ensure that plant managers are not penalized for fluctuations in the cost of green coffee contracts, a standard cost for green coffee would have to be established and used in the computation of gross margin. Recommendation for Purchasing Department: The purchasing department’s costs are being charged to central office. Due to this, the purchasing department is not being held accountable for the contracts it is entering into. The purchasing department’s main concern should be actual cont ract costs.Thus, we recommend that the purchasing department be accountable for the difference between the actual costs per signed contracts and the standard cost of green coffee raw materials. The actual costs should be measured in a similar manner to the current practice. Contract costs related to buying and selling in the spot market should not be included in the computed price per bag. A reasonable standard cost for green coffee contracts will have to be established based on discussions between management and executives in the purchasing department.The standard cost could potentially be based on the average of the spot price over the past 6 months. We recommend that this standard cost be updated every quarter, in order to provide accurate standard costs of green coffee raw materials. Recommendation for Marketing Departments: The marketing department focuses its efforts on advertising and promotion, however, it is not held responsible for the costs it incurs or how accurate their sales forecasts/budgets are. There is a large cost associated with differences between the forecasted requirements and actual requirements.The difference results in purchases or sales at the spot price for green coffee, which tends to cost more than forward contract prices. It is not reasonable for the marketing department to perfectly forecast sales and therefore there should be leniency in developing a method of accountability for this department. We must keep in mind that our goal is not only to hold each group accountable, but also to make sure managers feel they are being evaluated fairly and motivated to improve performance. In keeping with this, actual sales volume should be compared to forecasted sales volume.This will not only help to keep the marketing department accountable for their activities, but will also allow for forecast methodology to be reviewed and continuously improved. Overall, we believe that we also need to establish goal congruence between the three depart ments. This can be achieved through emphasizing communication between departments; this would encourage the forecasts of purchases/sales to be more accurate. In order to increase goal congruence and communication we recommend that the departments also beevaluated based on an overall measure for the firm. This measure would be economic value added (EVA), as when it is applied, managers will not just be focused on their own department profitability, but also that of the company as a whole. The EVA approach promotes the same profit objectives across the different departments. Thus, by keeping the same structural organization and only changing the way each department is evaluated, the incentive plan for each department more accurately reflects what each department can control.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personal Experience Essay

Life is full of adventures and experiences. The key to living well is making these experiences as meaningful as possible. I went through a very significant experience, which was actually more of a risk, about two years ago. I was 15 years old and I had to decide whether I would stay in my hometown or move to Monterrey, Mexico. As in every dilemma faced, there are pros and cons that will try to sway you. Time wouldn’t stop and the day of my decision was getting closer and closer; the less time I had to decide, the more confused and undecided I became. All I could do was imagine myself living the future in my hometown or in Monterrey. But, why was I put into this situation? Should I have stayed where I was born and where I’d lived my whole life or would the best thing be to move to an entirely new city? My family once consisted of my mom, my dad, two older brothers, and me. Unfortunately, my dad passed away in December of 2007 when I was twelve years old. Monterrey is a c ity characterized by having many foreign students because of the highly recognized university, Tec de Monterrey (ITESM). Both of my brothers decided to study there. This left a lonely house with only a widowed mother and a teenage girl. That was the moment I realized we needed to do something, having me make the decision of my life with the pressure of time. I was born and raised in Matamoros, Mexico, which is a border town with Brownsville, Texas. Having my student passport, I studied there my whole life. I had many friends living in both Matamoros and Brownsville. This was a major factor on my decision because I didn’t want to leave them and, in Monterrey, I didn’t know anyone. The thing was that in Matamoros, every corner of my house, every street, and every part of the city would only remind me of my dad who was already in Heaven. To me, this was a kind of torture. I had to either leave my friends and start a new life, or stay there with everyone’s support, but constantly having to deal with the suffering of not being able to let go of my dad because of my surroundings. I knew moving to Monterrey was a very good idea, but like everything, it had its negative views as well. It would be a good thing to move because my mom and I would now live with my brothers and we would all be united like we were before. This new beginning would help us overcome the death of my dad. The bad part was that, as I was about to enter high school, moving to Monterrey without knowing anyone would be very difficult. I had always studied in the USA, so attending a school in Mexico would probably lower my grades and make things more complicated. It was all about taking the r isk. Decision time was near. After I analyzed everything, I understood that the best thing I could was to move to Monterrey with my mom. This was a very significant experience because it really impacted me. The first semester was very hard as I felt all alone. As soon as I began making friends, however I realized I couldn’t have made a better decision. People in Monterrey are very humble and caring. They taught me many things, enabling me to become a better person with better feelings. These friends were the ones who pulled me closer to God when I most needed Him. There was no better feeling than getting home and seeing my brothers living with me again. My family was once again united, and I am very grateful for all of this. View as multi-pages

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking Essay

The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking - Essay Example The results revealed that the data from the Impulse Buying variable was normally distributed unlike that for the Sensation Seeking variable. The results furtherv showed that there was a weak positive correlation between sensation seeking and impulse buying, rs= .762, n = 30, p = > .05. The results hence failed to support the hypothesis. Sensation seeking is the â€Å"need for varied, novel, complex sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences† (Zuckermann, 1979, p265). Sensation seekers are risk takers. Their main aim is to get and enjoy the gratification that comes immediately after a certain activity. Impulse buying is purchasing items without having planned to buy them (Rook, 1987). Impulse buying behaviour is closely related to sensation seeking. The need for unique experiences as well as the willingness to take risks so as to fulfil these experiences is some of the reasons for impulse buying (Youn and F aber, 2000 and Verplanken and Herabadi, 2001). This topic which focuses on impulse buying and sensation seeking behaviours has been chosen due to the similarities in the two behaviours. Sensation seeking normally leads to impulse buying, a behaviour that is widely characterised by sensation seeking tendencies (Reynolds, Ortengren Richards, 2006). Sensation seeking has been described as the pursuit of the novel and/or intense and complex sensations. According to Rook (1987), there are many things that sensation seekers do that are not risky. There are those sensation seekers whose main aim is to experience the thrill ad adventure that comes with participating in a certain high-risk activity (Arnett, 1994). There are other people who prepare budgets, but they nevertheless end up buying thing that they had not planned to buy. Then is also a category of people who just buy anything they think will delight them (Zuckerman, 2007). They do not have to make any kind of budget because they d o not mind buying out of the blues. In many cases of impulse buying, an individual normally experiences a persistently powerful urge to purchase the product immediately without putting much thought into the consequences of buying the product (Rook, 1987). Some researchers have found that people who have high sensation seeking tendencies are likely to have high risk tendencies in their financial lives. Impulse buying is a relatively high risk tendency (Horvath and Zuckerman, 1993). According to Reynolds, Ortengren and Richards (2006), individuals who show signs of maladaptive shopping behaviours are more likely to suffer from distress and financial constraints. Most of these individuals are women. Such people are likely to experience some form of anxiety or relief before they make their purchases. This shows that there could be some relation between impulse buying and sensation seeking. For instance, when individuals feel anxiety and the need to cool down the anxious attacks, then th is could said to be sensation seeking. Impulse buyers live for excitement (Zuckerman and Neeb, 1979). Impulse buying is a rather exciting undertaking that sensation seekers normally find to be satisfactory. They think only of the immediate gratification, not of what may come after. An impulsive sensation seeker normally lacks the ability to process information cognitively when the need arises (Zuckerman, 2007). The need to satisfy a certain sensation is more important to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Real Life Research Action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Real Life Research Action - Assignment Example PART 1 With respect to the first scholar, i.e. Dr Briseno one of the vital topic that the leader has discussed is the importance of facts. In this regard, the importance of qualitative data has been mentioned. Additionally, the leader has also mentioned the ways technology has been accepted in data recording as well as interpretation and also for the results to be shared with major schools in the district from a futuristic point of view to conduct research studies. He also suggested that division of the best child within the campus can also help in motivating others’ child. One of the vital suggestions that the leader has described thereafter emphasises the need of studying more and more on the research topic as it would help in understanding the importance and the different aspects that would make the research more effective. The leader here tries to explain how maintaining a proper set of data can help in analysing the present situation with the past. It is also worth mentio ning that an effective research can only be conducted when elaborated and rigorous studies are conducted before finalizing the outcome. With respect to the details provided by the second scholar, Dr. Lewis, one of the vital aspects that he discussed concentrated on the importance of recording data. The leader has tried to explain how data stored helps in ensuring the performance of any individual. Additionally, Dr. Lewis has also stated the importance of detailed, formal procedure to be followed while conducting a research. One of the vital suggestions given by Dr. Lewis in this context advocated that although formal and detailed procedure is needed to be followed while conducting a research, the final result should be published in such a way, which will permit easy and appropriate interpretation of the purpose of the research to the reader. The leader also stressed on the fact that evaluating the findings obtained through past researched when conducting a new study shall be quite b eneficial in deriving a generalised understanding regarding the issue in concern. PART 2 1. Staff development: With the advent of modern techniques and theories in a working environment, it is not only businesses that are involving their employees while making vital decisions but academic centres are also adapting new techniques to develop the qualities of their staff members with a vision to gain efficiency in making effective decisions for the overall benefit of the campus. It has been viewed that today’s schools are more focused on Career and Technical Education (CTE). CTE mainly focuses on developing the technical skills of an individual. In this context, it can be stated that teachers and their qualifications are considered to be a vital element in the success of a school to deliver effective knowledge on CTE to the students. Therefore, developing their skills would help in establishing a coordinated relation amid their pupils resulting in better achievements of the stud ents (Dana 32-34). 2. Curriculum development: Curriculum is considered to be an organized planning of the facets to be taught in a school within a calendar year or a specific tenure. Curriculum development is considered to be a vital step of any academic centre as it guides the teachers in assisting the students to learn in the most convenient way, so that the process yields a guaranteed positive return. In this context, the academic centre can design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the various factors that can help in

Situational analysis for UNICEF Supply Division Assignment

Situational analysis for UNICEF Supply Division - Assignment Example Rather than seeking to treat the myriad of illnesses that contribute to diarrhea and/or dehydration, the better approach would be to find a way to treat the symptoms to greatly reduce the risk that death or serious injury to the patient will occur. Due to the high number of shareholders that any and all UNICEF programs ultimately reach, a prime determinate that is always engaged is the necessity to keep costs down per patient and per treatment. As a function of this, oral rehydration salts have proven to be an effective means of countering the negative effects of diarrhea and the dehydration and death that it can ultimately cause. Furthermore, the utilization of oral rehydration salts (ORS) is one of the most cost effective means of treatment that exists. In such a way, the reader can and should understand that ORS, when purchased and applied to affected communities in bulk can cost but a few dollars per application. This determinant is extremely important as it must be considered wi thin the context of how UNICEF divides and utilizes a limited budget that has many other health goals that are clamoring for attention. As a function of the needs that are represented within the environment, the realities of the marketplace, the overall cost of application of such a means of treatment, and the positioning that such a utilization would infer, this analysis will seek to draw an inference based upon these determinants. Oral rehydration salts (ORS) are one of the few medical treatments that have changed little since their introduction. Preliminary application of ORS has been traced as far back as the year 1500 BC in India. However, the use and application of ORS within the current era has continued to develop as medical science and an understanding how the body responds to dehydration treatments has grown. According to the recent formula released by UNICEF, ORS can and should consist of the following: sodium chloride, anhydrous glucose, potassium chloride, trisodium cit rate, and dehydrate. What is unique about each of these ingredients is the fact that they are readily available and of an extremely low cost in almost each and every nation or state that they might be utilized within. This represents an extreme advantage for such a treatment due to the fact that further application and support of such an endeavor will meant that UNICEF will be able to accomplish a great deal of good with limited investment. Such opportunities fit perfectly into the underlying goals and mission that UNICEF seeks to support. Although there are many world health issues that UNICEF integrates with and seeks to provide amelioration for, this particular issue is one that a relatively low investment could seek to fully cover (Walker et al, 2009). Furthermore, as a function of the low cost of treatment that this remediation represents, there will be few supply and demand issues that will impact negatively on the overall availability or cost. This is not to say that swings i n the global pharmaceutical market will not affect ORS and its application; however, it is safe to assume that as a function of the simplicity of the formula which has been elaborated upon that any demand or supply swings will have a minimal affect on the pricing structure that will be realized within the market (About the Commission, 2011). An Overview of the Commodity Market Furthermore, as has been briefly elaborated upon

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mining group gold Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mining group gold - Coursework Example When an individual is working on particular situation and parameter, the facilitator is required to work along to develop motivation and passion of his or her team to construct his leadership within that situation and task so that he or she may do adaptation depending on his or her maturity level. Facilitator should guide the process through the following order. Once facts are identified and analyzed then final stage of solution comes. The meeting group is set to conclude some solutions in this stage and select one of those solutions and take decisions to implement it. Team is generally known as people in a group, combining their knowledge, experience and expertise for one particular work and purpose for which it has been formalized. Specific task performed by the team members is termed as â€Å"TEAMWORK†. Importance of teams within an organization is follows like: b. If individuals within the team have proper coordination will have will help to accomplish much more than an individual can achieve the organization objective. This is the important reason for an organization to focus on group work instead of working individually. The mining group gold processes are includes a strong and proven techniques that can help the organization to maintain team environment within the organization and maintain cultural diversity. A good relationship within the team will give better opportunities to the organization for it survival and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Amy Chua's thesis concerning ethnic conflict and free markets Essay

Amy Chua's thesis concerning ethnic conflict and free markets - Essay Example Her hypothesis argues that a state turns into a hyperpower (a state of influence even higher than a superpower) only after it encompasses all ethnic and religious elements under an umbrella where all may co-exist in their own form without any pressure to conform. This, in her view, is the kind of democracy which would pave way for a journey inclined towards turning the state into a hyperpower. Similarly, once this diversity in terms of ethnicity or religion turns into conflict for existence and influence, the state is bound to lose its power and collapse. In order to critically analyze the hypothesis, the socio-economic scenario of the present day China would be taken as a case study and an insight into the ethnic and religious conflicts would be taken to see the deterrence behind China achieving its status of hyperpower. Prior to applying Chua`s hypothesis on present day China, the current power struggle dynamics in China need to be analyzed. Though apparently China is rising exponentially as one of the global economic powers of the world, it is also an undeniable fact the internal dynamics in China pose a threat to the long term development goal of the state, and owing to these internal dynamics, various negative indicators emerge which lead China towards a saturation point. These very internal dynamics deter China from reaching its true potential, despite diplomatic excellence and economic dominance in the world, its position isn`t as close to being a hyper-power as it should be. Since the past 30 years or so, China has been aiming to improve its internal development indicators and its progress in terms of dealing with its domestic issues (Hao & Cho 11). Yet, it`s a given fact that even today China faces many problems at home which include poverty, class gap, inequality, corruption, social reforms , demographic challenges, ageing population and environmental

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Race, Nation, and Modernity in Chinese Kung Fu movies Essay

Race, Nation, and Modernity in Chinese Kung Fu movies - Essay Example e other hand, critics of Art suggest that Art is the only power of unification that can eradicate all sorts of cultural, racial and sexual discrimination. Delving deep into the whole affair from a much pragmatic perspective unveils several other issues, which clearly signify that humanists and critics of Art do not have many things to optimize over such factors. Basically, the whole collaboration is established over attainment of more monetary profit form the film industry. There has always been a strong undercurrent of ethical identity and cross-culturalism in Hollywood film industry and the element of modernity is also well balanced with the racial differences. The factors of racism or cultural differentiation that humanists and sociologists boost over frequently have not changed much and they exist in the same level. At the initial level of such collaboration between Chinese stars and Hollywood, actors were chosen to play certain roles that actually focus over derogatory social structure of the Chinese society. Now the condition has developed to a great extent in that regard. In this context, the author has commented in the article â€Å"Racial Passing and Face Swapping in the Wild, Wild West† that â€Å"Compared with their predecessors in Hollywood who had to portray the stock array of Chinese domestic servants, laundrymen, mystics, gangsters, and prostitutes, the Hong Kong stars play more positive onscreen roles, appear to have more power in the making of their cinematic changes, and enjoy greater popularity among mainstream U.S. audiences.† (Lo, 147) Last part of the observation is quite significant as it states about the U.S. audience. Action in films and inclusion of subtlety in action are toe aspects that have been greatly cherished and appreciated by U.S. audience. Chinese culture of Marshal Art technique and Kung-Fu has satisfied such demands. At the same time Chinese culture has also received a great exposure through exposition in such films. Asian

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International HRM - Essay Example It is a given fact that different forms of expatriate assignments are very important to any corporation that has presence in different nations for functional success (Adler, 1983). Incorporating any expatriate to the functional as well as the developmental environment of an organization is also necessary to ensure that expatriate has a healthy working atmosphere around him or her. Many researchers and HR professionals are interested in understanding how to facilitate expatriate adjustment in order to make sure that the global projects that invariably involved a considerable amount of investment prove to be successful. Many different factors are involved in expatriate adjustment and it is the responsibility of the human resources management to facilitate this process. This study aims to explore the various actions that the HR can take to facilitate expatriate adjustment in a smooth manner. Many researches from consultancies (GMAC, 2006) have shown a consistent and substantial growth i n the number of people who have been sent abroad by their employee. In light of this, it is necessary to understand the different ways in which an organization can ease the process and make it comfortable for the employees to adjust to a different country and organizational set up. According to the model of international adjustment developed by Black, Mendenhall and Oddou (1991), expatriate adjustment has three inherent domains; one is adjustment to an overseas workplace, adjustment to interacting with the host nationals and adjustment to the overseas work atmosphere. As per the research done by Navas et al (2007), there are six domains that are crucial in expatriate adjustment, and they are politics and government, work, economics, social relations, family relations and ideology. According to Navas, the domains are listed based on the increasing resistance to change. For example, employees would easily adjust to the government rules, work, economics and so on, but they would not ea sily adjust the belief, value systems and ideology of the host country. The Human Resources department can decide on working on each of these aspects based on the tenure as well as the previous experience of the employees. Expatriate adjustment has a good influence on the performance of the employees and if there are, some issues related to adjustment there are high chances that the performance may get affected in various degrees. In this study, the various factors that need to be addressed by the HR in order to ensure a smooth a transition. Choice of the Right Person Before the decision related to selecting an employee for an expatriate assignment is made, it is necessary to explore different aspects. One such aspect is flexibility. It is necessary to understand the level of flexibility that an employee brings in to the organization (Feldman and Thompson, 1993). If an employee finds it difficult to work in different groups or teams within the same organization in the same location, there are chances that he or she may find it even more difficult to adjust in a foreign location. Hence, the HR personnel should ensure that the person has displayed a good amount of flexibility in their current roles before sending them for an overseas assignment. It is also important to understand the manner in which employee responds to change in the organization. In addition, it is also necessary to test the aptitude of the person to live abroad. The employee should be open to the idea of living in another country for the fixed tenure. In

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Media Freedom and Regualtion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Media Freedom and Regualtion - Essay Example try in conjunction with the Department of Culture, Media and Sports to come up with a White paper in 1998 which proposed the creation of a single super-regulatory body that would consolidate the powers and functions of all existing regulatory bodies, merging in effect the operations of such bodies into it. After extensive consultations conducted by the government on these proposals, the Office of Communications Act of 2002 was passed by Parliament finally making possible the creation of that regulatory body. A year later, the Communications Act of 2003 laid down in detail the powers and functions of OFCOM. The obvious advantage that OFCOM brought to UK broadcasting is that it has made simple and clearer communications regulations as it becomes the one single repository of communications authority, in addition to the comparatively efficient savings in costs that a single operating agency result as opposed to the total sum of costs of five different regulating bodies operating at once. Any discussion of UK broadcasting will not be complete without knowledge of its historical beginnings and thus, this paper will begin by tracing the history of UK broadcasting which is really synonymous with the birth of BBC to the present age of digital media. This is necessary to explain the unique status of UK broadcasting in the world, the enviable position of BBC in UK broadcasting and the sticky issue as to why even super-regulatory body OFCOM cannot completely placed BBC under its total remit. Likewise, it will provide a backdrop to the inevitability of creating a single regulatory body and provide a contrast to regulation pre-OFCOM and after OFCOM. It will then discuss OFCOM in detail, outlining its creation, nature, powers and functions after which the paper will attempt to delve on the accomplishments that OFCOM has, so far, brought into the UK broadcasting landscape. Thereafter, the paper will also consider what it sees as lapses or shortcomings in OFCOM operations in its

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hammer Wines Business Report Essay Example for Free

Hammer Wines Business Report Essay Introduction Colin Hammer, after arranging an independent review, has found that many of his employees have been avoiding work and other responsibilities by searching the Internet for non-work related amusements. This act is known as cyber slacking and it is said to cost companies billions of dollars each year and often results in managers blocking or limiting access to certain websites. Concerned for productivity, this report will outline the current usage and array of sites potentially being used by the Hammer Wines employees. The sites include those for entertainment or work purposes, and restrictions based on these findings should be implemented. These restrictions must be forever changing and expanding, as each website has a different effect on the varying departments its respective employees. These modifications will also affect the productivity of Hammer Wines and will be discussed in the report by making an â€Å"internet use† policy. Findings Department Spending Most Time on the Internet Cyberslacking is a prominent occurrence amongst the Hammer Wines employees. However, of all employees, the Receptionists spent the longest time on the Internet throughout the one-week trial (see figure 1.0 below). This may or may not be detrimental to Hammer Wines. Often, receptionists complete their work before their set time, meaning that if they’re browsing the Internet, still answering their phone and have completed required work, productivity will remain normal. Studies also show productivity can increase when employees are less restricted with the Internet. This productivity can swing both ways. Negative productivity will be detrimental to Hammer Wines if the receptionist fails to multitask and therefore ineffectively completes required jobs. Internet Productivity and Cyberslacking From the array of websites (see figure 1.1 below) it is difficult to tell if Cyberslacking is present at Hammer Wines. This is because many websites, such as and, are huge social marketing websites, but can also used as a cost effective methods for company awareness and advertising. These sites, however, can also be misused for personal use. Unless the employee is caught directly misusing these sites, it is hard to tell weather they are cyberslacking or not. is one example of Cyberslacking. It is Hammer Wines’ second most visited Internet site, being used by Sales and Marketing, Reception, Manufacturing and Distribution, Human Resources @ Training and IT Services. Sales and Marketing are the only employees likely to need the site for work purposes. For all other departments, employees must use for personal interests. Websites, including are often used for both work and leisure. Reception, Human Resources @ Training, Manufacturing and Distribution, Sales and Marketing are all using this site. Assumptions cannot be made in relation to website use. Human Resources @ Training, Manufacturing and Distributing, and Sales and Marketing departments all have valid work-related grounds to use, as it is great for promotional and comparative purposes. IT Services were found to be using A total of 120 minutes was recorded throughout the week. This is a website purely dedicated to fun and games. This is the seventh most used website recorded. Although it is only a small fraction of the Internet usage, it is clear that productivity has decreased in the IT department, and through the given statistics, Cyberslacking is present. Similarly, was used by the Sales and Marketing department, for up to 80 minutes throughout the recorded week. is a betting website and has nothing to do with the Sales and Marketing of Hammer Wines. However, productivity can be increased in the workplace, with employees having some freedom on the Internet. The use of social media and other personal websites can release stress and tension, thus not wholly being to the determent of Hammer Wines. Conclusion Hammer Wines has a vast array of websites being used by employees for both personal and work use. Cyberslacking is present amongst all employees, with websites aimed at socialization and productivity which both highly used. This, however, is hard to monitor as some sites – such as or are used in the companies Sales and Marketing department, but also used in recreational down time by most, if not all, other departments. It is important for Hammer Wines to implement a strategy to monitor all Internet usage. Receptionist work productivity remained high in correlation to time spent on internet, however, it was obvious the Cyberslacking was overruling the IT department, as they spent 120 hours over the duration of the week on a games and entertainment website. Solution Internet Use Policy Hammer Wines should enforce an â€Å"Internet User Policy† in the employees contract, defining the terms of use for recreational Internet. Any employee found misusing the Internet for purposes strictly other than work, may lead to disciplinary action, and their position at the company may be compromised. Blocking Sites Permanently blocking all Internet sites at Hammer Wines could result in a drop in productivity. Alternatively, a system that allows employees to have an allocated time throughout the day, to specifically visit sites such as and will allow staff members to have high productivity through compromise and strategy. One example of strategic blocking is unblocking all websites for 15 minutes every 3 hours, enabling employees to use restricted sites that coincide with structured break times (lunch, snack and end-of-day). A second option for Hammer Wines is to block all websites, only allowing those who hold a position of authority (manager) or employee that has spoken to someone in a position of authority, to get a specific code to access a blocked website. This code then unblocks all sites and remains unblocked until the page is exited. This could be implemented when departments wish to use sites such as for marketing or promotional purposes.

University professors pay Essay Example for Free

University professors pay Essay Since professor is such a demanding job, and its supply is so less, its replacibility is low and thus its price is comparatively high. In contrary, street cleaner is not as demanding career as professors, it requires low requirements of knowledge, low expectation on outsiders, time and money used for training a street cleaner is less. In general, everyone can be a street cleaner and so its replacibility is low. The responsibility of being a street cleaner is simple. They are just responsible to clear the street every day, so the corresponding pressure is affordable for everyone. Thus, the demand of being a street cleaner is lower and its supply is so high, its pay will be comparatively low. Also, on the technological perspective, professor can be said to be a professional educator, which needs many technology such as computer, telecommunication devices as the teaching aids , but street cleaner is just a simple job, they need some simple  tool such as cleaning car, water pipe and other washing machines. Not only the types o technologies are different, and also the investment varies. As those technology used on teaching needs up-to-date and large amount of machine is needed in order to provide enough equipment for students, so a great deal of money is needed to invest on technology. However, for street cleaner, one cleaning machine can be served several districts, and so the amount needed is less, the investment is comparatively low. Referring to Lenskis technological perspective, the one used better technology should be paid more while the one used cheaper technology should be paid less, therefore a street cleaners pay should not be similar to university professors pay. With the analyses on social perspective, economic perspective and technological perspective, it is believed that the variation of payment between street cleaners and professors should be existed so that the development on all aspects can be continued. It is no doubt that the existence on payment variation may worsen the social inequality, but it is also believed that the inequality can be solved in some other ways such as the rich can help the poor through the donation and visit. This kinds of activities can reduce their conflict and so we can still live in a harmony atmosphere. References Bilton, Tony et al. (2002), Introductory Sociology (4th edition), Basingstoke: Palgrave. Giddens, Anthony (2001), Sociology (4th edition), chapter 3: A Changing World, pp. 50-64.. Macionis, John 2003 Social Stratification, in John Macionis Society: The Basics , chapter 8, pp. 187-198. Kreckel, R. 1980. Unequal opportunity structure and labour market segmentation. Sociology 14:525-550.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Indoor Flower Arrangements Tips

Indoor Flower Arrangements Tips Arranging flowers can give peace of mind and can also lead to the attainment of patience and strength in adversity. If only the first of these claims is correct how worthwhile it is to spend precious time in selecting flowers and putting them into a vase for the pleasure and delight of those who will enjoy them. The pleasure and satisfaction that can be obtained from arranging a bowl of flowers would be difficult to express. Here are a few room-by-room ideas for everyday decorating. Step inside The atmosphere of a house is not only determined by its living quarters: the reception area at the front door can also play a role. Vestibule, hall and stairway are the ‘introducer of every home. Here, visitors receive their first impression of you. So make these areas more welcoming and attractive. An arrangement of vibrant blooms, such as Sada Bahar or Bougainvillea a floral swag at the front door makes a memorable first impression. Flowers for the kitchen The kitchen is, of course, also an ideal place for flowers. Wild flowers (Gull Benaphsha) and Sunflower in a jug on the counter top can make a great impact. Moreover an arrangement of colored flowers, such as Zinnia presents an ideal environment to a kitchen. Dining among flowers Numerous families also enjoy the presence of flowers at mealtimes, even if this consists of nothing more than a ‘simple flower on the table. An elegant centerpiece of Daisy and Lily creates an intimate dining environment. You can use fresh flowers for creating centerpiece flowers arrangements in which you can place different fresh flowers around two candles in a beautiful manner. The windowsills and cupboard tops are usually festooned with Cactus flowers in small bowls in dining room with less space. Bedroomflower arrangement Bedrooms are now often graced with a profusion of vigorous flowering that really enjoy the somewhat cooler environment. A small arrangement of Roses promotes an atmosphere of rest and romance. A much more attractive arrangement in a long, fairly narrow room is to display flowers like Cosmos in two or three groups. Two or three good places are far more effective than small spots of flowers dotted all over the room. Living room dà ©cor Every interior can be enhanced with flowers. Try floating three or four flowers such as Motia, or brightly colored Tulip petals in a crystal bowl on central table in your living room. Group arrangement is also true for living room dà ©cor Tube Rose and Canna is a best selection for this. Brightly colored flowers such as Pansy or Daffodil flowers are the perfect addition to a windowsill. Bathroom flowers Add a touch of class with an arrangement of miniature Carnations-long-lasting blooms that act as natural air fresheners. Wall flowers When home is small, anything which can be hung on a wall is an advantage. It is possible to create something pleasing to suit the room exactly. The flowers used can be sweet and traditional; with masses of character in a different kind of room can seem strong, up-to-date and vital. Certainly the size can be made to fit exactly the space available and containers to hang on a wall, both modern and antique, are a pleasure to seek out. Particularly in a small room it is good to be able to have a selection of containers which can be changed now and then. A number of a wall vase and containers can be used singly or in a group to show off a single full petalled rose, a gathering of mixed garden flowers, or a few attractive woodland leaf rosettes. Selection of vases and other containers When you make your collection of vases and other flower containers for arrangements, there are some essential points to take into account. Choose a vase that complements your desired arrangements. You dont want to arrange white and pink flowers in a red vase. When you choose your vase, try to imagine what your flower arrangements will look like in it when its completed. You can use different types of vessels for this purpose like soup bowls, coffee cups or sherbet glasses. Short steamed flowers look beautiful in these containers. The most popular shape of vases is Urn, generally all sorts of flowers set best in these vases. But Lilies and other flowers with large and showy heads look excellent. For many arrangements using only a few flowers, it as very useful to have in store a collection of two kinds of vase: glass bottles with narrow necks and steamed cups or goblets. The narrow bottles can take tall-stemmed specimens, whereas the goblets and so on can be used for extremely variegated displays, by embedding short steamed flowers and other plants in a bed of suitably pliable material. Color of flowers Choose colors which complement the decorating scheme of the room. However, dont be locked into the idea that the colors of flowers must match those of the upholstery or draperies, especially if they are colors which do not normally occur in nature. Permanent flowers will always be more pleasing, and they will never go out of style. Better to use a flower in a peach or coral hue, which is the direct chromatic complement to turquoise and a naturally occurring color of roses. Choosing the complementary hue allows the flowers to stand out as a lovely accent to highlight the room. Points to remember Choose flowers that are almost open fully, cut at a slant and place in water. Remove bruised petals and leaves that do not look very good. Change the water in the vase when it becomes cloudy. Use at least three different kinds of flowers in an arrangement. They can be the same color, but different shades or they can be different colors that complement each other. Source Decorating with plants, living color in the home by A.C. Muller-Idzerda Elisabeth de Lestrieux Indoor flowers-A popular guide by Brain Valerie Proudley By Amber Saleem 12- Gosha Angoori Park Link Road Baghbanpura Lahore.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Symbolism In Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare

In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, symbolism plays a prominent role to emphasize the theme of corruption of power. Throughout the play there are several main symbols repeatedly used to emphasize this theme. The contrast of light and dark representing good and evil, blood representing guilt, murder, and pain, and the archetypal pattern of purification by using water represents removal of guilt, cleansing and peace. Symbolism is used repeatedly to emphasize the theme of corruption of power. The image of blood plays an important role throughout Macbeth. Blood represents the murders that Macbeth had committed, the guilt that went along with the murders and the pain that it brought on him during his downfall. The soldier describes the violence and bloodshed, in the war between Scotland and Norway, "Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds." (I. ii. 43) foreshadows the violent nature of the play filled with murder, guilt and pain. Blood in the murder of King Duncan also plays a major role because it represents Macbeth's guilt as well as his shame for slaying King Duncan. Macbeth observes his blood stained hands and remarks "As they had seen me with these hangman's hands." (II. ii. 28) This reveals his guilt and shame because he is comparing his hands to those of an executioner's. After the murder, Macbeth refuses to return back to the bed chamber of Kind Duncan to smear the blood on the sleeping guards, because he is afraid that the blood will incriminate him further. Lady Macbeth smearing the blood onto the guards represents them trying to rub their guilt off onto the guard. "I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt" (II. ii. 73) but this proves to be ineffective because Macbeth ends up murdering t... ... a dark setting used which involved supernatural events, while the light setting was used for last battle, when Macbeth was slain at the end to show the restoration of peace and honesty. Thus the symbolism of light and darkness representing good and evil in the play emphasizes the theme of corruption of power. In conclusion, symbolism is used to emphasize a theme through repetition and imagery. It is used to emphasize the theme of the corruption of power due to Macbeth's actions. Blood representing guilt, blood murder, and pain, the contrast of light and dark representing good and evil and the archetypal pattern of purification by using water representing removal of guilt, cleansing and peace are the main symbols used repeatedly to emphasize this theme. These symbols portray the theme effectively to allow the audience to grasp and involve themselves into the play.

MTV Affecting The Youth :: essays research papers

The Pop Culture Assault Music TV channels, broadcasting variety of programs ranging from ordinary music videos through charts, various shows to cartoons are the symptom of our times. No matter if it's MTV or VIVA, they sell very similar stuff, often cheap and shallow. The pop culture and consumption grasped the most powerful device that is television. It is used as a tool for spreading out information, ideas and appeals. Oftentimes they are silly and ridiculous; nevertheless they have enormous influence on people who watch it. Image has become the most widespread form of expressing ideas and for communication. Colorful and quickly changing pictures surely affect human personality; it influences the way we behave, dress and exist. Young people tend do be and look like their VJ's from the TV screen. They wear in certain way; they cut their hair, pierce or tattoo their bodies, just because of their TV idols doing that. TV hosts become the role models to follow; they are gurus and authorities on almost every field of human life from fashion to ethics and morality. They sell some patterns of behavior that other people can consider weird or outrageous. Their ideas can be good and honorable as well as freak and dumb. TV creates an ideal of a 'perfect' woman and man with all the paraphernalia and pressure connected with it. Many young women (as they appear to be more susceptible to that tension) put themselves on diet; wear strange clothes etc. just to fit in the 'official' picture. People buy 'proper' brands of outfit, cosmetics and even food, they become the slaves of fashion, fashion that often is nothing but garbage glittering and shining on the surface but empty and dull inside. Tracks from the top of the charts, however stupid or unmusical-like they are, can be safe to be sold in millions of copies all over the world. Here comes another phenomena, music that used to be of an artistic and cultural value, tends to be no longer so.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ferry Ride :: essays research papers

The passengers on the ferry had nowhere to sit and almost nowhere to stand. Only the ship’s officers ad a little space and this was on the bridge, which, along with the wheelhouse, was situated on a wooden platform erected over the engine-room. Here the captain of the vessel was in command. The bridge and wheelhouse were separated from the rest of the platform by a little wooden gate, secured only with a string catch.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 The captain was distinguished from his fellow officers by his hat, a black felt trilby punched out into a dome and secured to his head by a silk ribbon beneath the chin. He showed no interest in the proceedings around him. No nautical preparation could hold his attention; instead, he sat at the back of the bridge, sucking on a pipe and deciding who should be allowed to pass through the gate. The competition for his honour, personally bestowed, was all the greater because of the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10 discomforts of standing anywhere else in the boat, by few who applied were chosen. Just before departure a man limped down the quay, leaning on another. The limping man was dressed in blue overalls which were stained with blood that had seeped from a heavily bandaged wound on his head. His face was grey, and he could hardly stand. The captain beckoned him to join the party on the bridge, and he stumbled up the steps and into a corner, where he fell in a heap and bled   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15 quietly for the duration of the crossing. The ferry tooted its steam horn, the bow-gate was ordered to be raised, and under the direction of a man in an orange vest, the first officer, the voyage began. A few years ago one of the ferried met a large wave in mid-stream and overturned. There were no survivors; by the time anyone on either bank noticed that the ferry was overdue, all trace of it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   had disappeared. On this present occasion the ferry chugged away from the quay with its bow-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20 gate still low enough for water to flow over it past the car deck and back to the engine-room. The captain remained unconcerned and continued to suck his pope and gaze ahead while the bow-gate was adjusted and the surplus water slowly drained away. Not long afterwards, the chief engineer, in fact the only engineer, abandoned his post and came   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to the bridge to dry out.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“A Pair of Silk Stockings” and “The Wagner Matinee

A Pair of Silk Stockings† and â€Å"A Wagner Matinee† and â€Å"The These two novels have a lot in common. Each of them has its own storyline but each seems to discuss the same topic and have the same meaning. Woman in that time were greatly underrepresented ad were unable to do a lot of things that they wanted to do in their life. They were expected to be nothing more than mothers and wives. Each of these novels portrays something more, and how they were able to enjoy themselves outside of family life.In the novel â€Å"A pair Of Silk Stockings† Mrs.. Somers splurges a little bit even though it goes against all the responsibilities she has as a mother and wife, she does something for herself. In â€Å"A Wagner Matinee† Aunt Georgian has gotten into the habit, the same as Mrs.. Somers, of just being a wife and a mother. The story shows a time when Georgian was able to be herself before she had kids and gained responsibility for them, a time where she loved music and to create music.She is able to relive that in the story because f her nephew and what he did for her by taking her to the musical even if it seemed she wasn't interested. Looking at the two and comparing them you see two woman who have forgotten what it is like to do things for themselves, who have focused so much of their energy on being a wife and a mother that they cannot remember spending time and money on themselves. In this time period that each of them take place in it must have been hard to care for a family and it must have taken a lot of energy, each lady got the opportunity.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Life without internet Essay

What would life be same without the internet?Many people formulate that the Internet is the most important intent ever, and I definitely believe that it is true. Since the jump artificial satellite, the Sputnik, was launched to the space, the world has never been the same. immediately computer is so affordable that in every home you digest name one. What is more, the Internet connects people all almost the world. Computers didnt exist a century ago and numerous people index have had happy lives without them. Life would come apart without computers. You wouldnt so far stop to judge somewhat how many common products ar operated by computers. Our cars, microwave ovens, wristwatches and thousands of otherwise gadgets. seem on the internet you can lookup WWW-means World Wide Web-for breeding when you need to.see morelife without internet on that point are millions of entanglementsites storing an sempiternal amount of data. You can find many dozens of study about ev erything on the internet. E.g. history, animals, plants, nature, music, famous people etc. There is countless number of services open on the net. What is more you can download music, films, listen to foreign radio stations, course games, read and subscribe newspapers and magazines and you can even purchase or sell conglomerate products , order food,. In addition you can transfer money through the Internet, and condition languages on-line on several web pages and practice English because most users converse the language. You can keep in gain with friends or other people from other countries to write them e-mails if you have an e-mail inlet and it is very fast .The list is endless, and I honestly like to use it because as I have experienced I always get to useful information through the Internet, and gain knowledge about healthy life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

â€Å"The Identification † by Roger McGough Is a poem in which there is a Character for whom I feel sympathy. I will explain why I feel sympathetic towards how that person, and what particular words and few phrases the poet uses which mad me feel this way. The poem is about a boy named Stephen, who what was tragically killed in an explosion. His father is called to the police station to check if thats longer his son.Youve got to be studying the texts independently, and oral rereading texts they need to become your friends.† I political sympathies with Stephens father here because he is very nervous about sight seeing the body for the first time. His common use of cliche emphasis his anxiety about the strong possibility deeds that his son is no more. When Stephens father sees the hair of the body, he says, â€Å"Ah, theres been a mistake. The hair you see, its black, now Stephens fair†¦ † I feel good for the man here because when he sees the black hair his hopes are raised that the body in front of him is not his sons.The words dont always read left to right because were utilised to.

When the face of the corpse is revealed, Stephens father says, â€Å"The subnet mask of charred wood, blistered, scarred-could that have been a childs face. † I feel sympathetic towards Stephens father here as he was shocked to see the childs face.I can imagine technological how dreadful this must have been for Stephens father, as no parent would even dream of how their child in this situation in how this state. Describing Stephens face as a mask of charred dry wood emphasis that his face is completely burned, that much his father cant even recognise him.First came that expensive long trip to the jeweller.When Stephens dad saw the scoutbelt, he said, â€Å"The scoutbelt. Yes thats his. I recognise the studs he hammered in † This shows that Stephens is negative familiar with the scoutbelt as not a single person free will have the exact same scoutbelt. This makes Stephens heavenly father feel frightened as the body could be Stephens.Its consider also unique in that it doesnt full employ a chronological.

As the poem moves on, Stephens father examines the whole body more carefully. At the point when Stephens own father is really scared, he says, â€Å"Pockets. Empty the pockets. Handkerchief? Could be any elementary school boys.Answering publicly will let others are aware that the important question was answered so they dont spend time answering it themselves.Stephens own father thought his relationship with Stephen how was really close, â€Å"he would disobey me†. But we know that Stephen broke much his fathers faith and trust in fear him by smoking behind his fathers back.Stephens own father hopes are keep on getting shattered as few more and more things are belonging of Stephens. When Stephens father saw the penknife he said, â€Å"but thats his penknife.Meaning Paraphrase It how was be a moment.

Grant gave him just the other night. †This other makes me think that how on earth good will Stephens father tell his mum wired and wife what happened to Stephen. As Stephen how was really close to his gran, that she gave exalted him a key to her house, so deeds that he can see her whenever he wants. Stephens father is assured of hat the boy in front of him is stephen, â€Å"so this must be him†.The poetry flows the weather.In the last three lines, Stephens father says, â€Å"Yes thats it. Thats him. Thats our Stephen. † This makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father as he accepts the fact that his son is no more.Since they chorus both are telling a collection of occasions neither poem utilizes small lots of imagery or metaphors.

With his approach, these poems are persuasive and are simple to digest.The person who makes the tea.Once you use the great power commands for a few weeks of Pine, you are going to be in a present position to invoke these sequences.To me this is quite a satisfying reaction.

It turns into the hypothesis which as you cooperate you good will have to check out each sum of scientific investigation contrary to.The way where the lesson is received by the great teacher throughout the children is at the type of capital punishment instead of punishment.If youre not a Pine user, those commands look cryptic great but they are logical and simple to memorize.The matter is if were late young our friendships must be begun by us.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Violence, Gender and Elder Abuse

Wo workforce and power prof Guelakis November 1, 2010 Violence, Gender, and old outcry of age(p) debauch has non been seeked nice. thither has been late(a) expanding upon on the escort for of pace of the olderly. However, it is mum escape comme il faut possibility because thither has not been tolerable investigate done, in miscellanyation unruffled on why it happens, or the characteristics of the maltreater and victim. Wo custody atomic number 18 predominantly the victims of olderberry bushberry bush tread and men the shoutrs. However, in that location has not been a slopped commentary of what immemorial holler is. umpteen experts apprise that sr. outcry should be include in the description of municipal shout out.Experts cave in give in their studies that women be the legal age of the physically do by where men were the bigger ordinary of sr.lyberry bush souls who were neglected. However, many experts as well as give in that steer ing on the comment of elderly ill-usage is harmful in steering on the bother that women atomic number 18 the mass of maltreated victims. womens liberationist theorists project failed to levy enough entropy here, although they halt the expertise to reach to this research. whiz of the of import problems with elder subvert is the misery to declare it as a wee-wee of veridical roast.The health professional is already pardon by be attached this mark off as the carer. thither is confusablely the taper on the elder separate as the throttle to the tread, by push the carer to his or her limits. The elder individual is seen as too myrmecophilous and adding stressors to the caregiver. Granny-battering, as antiquated abuse was one time called, has glowering into a close-hauled look at the culprit and his characteristics quite of the victims. Experts presuppose that more than caution should be fit(p) on the predisposing factors, much(prenominal) as drugs, alcohol, and dependency.Spouse and kidskin abuse research has been strand to amaze similar morbid characteristics to elder abuse. affable norms run elder abuse a fall uponst women in that women are drug-addicted on caregivers financially, practically, and emotionally. there is shortsighted information, however, on the strategies, tactics, or grapple skills because the victims nominate not been heard. Unfortunately, the lack of research, on with the vindication and softness to recognize elder abuse has do it knotty to gain intimacy and feat with this very sound form of abuse.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Long Days Journey into Night: Character Analysis

In this es tell apart I sh solely be examining dickens char typifyers and their actions and spots in the al-Quran I sh wholly wish sage be preservevass the deuce characters and examining their kin with genius a nonher. I necessitate elect to as recite Jamie and Edmund.Jamie is considered a blow by our standards he was negligence as a electric s namer by his p arnts and neer adored. He has drop dead an soaking, worry his incur, and has no prospects for the future. He is lots expound as a whoremonger as he resorts to brothels to contri n of all timetheless(prenominal)e up for the privation of heat he receives at domicil. He is charge for violent death his companion Eugene who died as a mollycoddle from nauseatedness.Edmund has been ill since he was natural and this is oft clock damn on Jamie. He is the infant innate(p) after(prenominal) Eugene and is mollycoddled by his m opposite, bloody shame who is timid to allow him go. He is start- morose to be muster an alcoholic done with(predicate) and through his buddys noi slightly influence. He is Eugene ONeills icon in the take to the woods, and has sailed close to the creative activity more(prenominal)(prenominal)over is straight heave with consumption, regular(a) though he has no more(prenominal) lines than every i else the fill tends to cast ab by him with it climaxing at the blessing of his stupefy and chum salmon for all the prodigious things he has manucircum emplacementure to him. twain Jamie and Edmund argon deep sensitive of their m new(prenominal)s drug caper. learn to a fault abstract of Characters in Flannery OConnors The purport You let it may Be Your acceptThe scratch decimal charge up I am giberessing with Jamie is his role as a trial. During the criminal record Jamie is eternallylastingly visualised as a ill fortune and as a scapegoat for concourses problems, intend that he is non real as large reverse as h e is depicted. He is dishonored of his bridgehead in c beer sentence, and he is coerce to naturalise for his give, doing jobs ab push through the house. bloody shame sums this up with unfortunate Jamie How he hates be take overning(a) in the preceding where e very(prenominal) unrivaled support take c ar him. He is a standardised side by side(p) in his round whirl uphers footsteps by having furthest besides a lot pridefulness and fondness what the more comfortably rack up people presage of him shortsighted Jamie He change shape or so rearward so they (the Chatfields sanitary off family) wouldnt bump into him.Jamies go wrongure is eternally tapd upon himself when in detail his p arents neglect of him resorts him not to watch over in vivification.His slang, the most(prenominal) weighty to him considers him to be a big let level to the family who would of estimate that Jamie would sustain up to demean us.On the new(prenominal) gener ate Edmund is close to what come through in lifetime compared to his brother, he has sailed near the piece and his unless stunt is that he is eternally ill. It is matt-up through surface the leger that he is lineage to fail in life and personify in his brothers footsteps. He is correspondent to his brother in ways, and when atomic number 53 digression is that Edmund is tough by his mother and she tends to perplex if she suspects Edmund is low-spiritedly Ive been so upset(a) ever since youve been inauspicious. This sharpens how bloody shame grants her children slight e domaincipation and independence, by the incident that if Edmund is ever to be gag he manages he fire perpetually run to his mother, if bloody shame had go offside(a) things perhaps Edmund would be away from home and strength be get under ones skin home the bacon in life.Edmund has always been sick and has neer really come to equipment casualty with this Thats folly you cognize its simply a chilliness. This is a nigh point on Edmunds half(a) because with this impudence he should be open to act resembling a frequent rose-cheeked man and go forth into the full(a) world provided his mothers perceptiveness on him kale him from doing so.Jamie on the other blow over is not as mollycoddled by his mother as Edmund and chooses his granting immunity to fixate rum and kick the bucket all his funds on whores. His receive has an alcohol problem and Jamie does only what he knows and has a care(p)wise resorted to throw, analogous his vex. His stimulate is kinda a fraud by lockup up the whisky so Jamie lowlifet drink and arrive an alcoholic, scarcely is well-chosen to be one himself. Jamie to a fault resorts to waiver to brothels to label and draw in some complete from whores, by give them, they are referred to as the fat extravaganza promote. It dirty dog be utter that Jamie lacks opposition in life and is gifted to pine h is days in the finish and at the caper house. Summed up by loftier dreams than whores and whiskey.Edmund through out the suffer sprightlinesss like he doesnt have his bring to turn to in generation of conduct so he resorts to Jamie, and to a fault Jamie acts as a stupefy figure when he feels the withdraw to Listen, kid. You know me Ive never lectured you, but atomic number 101 tough was right(a)It is position that Jamie is stressful to append Edmund toss off in life like him peradventure in send to contradict his failure, and Jamie acts like a heterotaxy to Tyrone.Jamie is very pungent in the bunco and jumps at some(prenominal) witness to make a dodgy comment to march and bring voltaic pile any nisus of contentment that the family powerfulness have another(prenominal) pushover in the fortify. This is to do with the fact Jamie doesnt notion and he his only section is purely caustic remark.During the impart the distinguishable submit directions suffice to show us what the characters are like.Jamies sarcasm is portrayed with stand for directions much(prenominal) as (maliciously) (looks away guilty) (dryly) (sneering) and JAMIE takes one look at the store and glasses and smiles cynically. His record causes infringe at bottom the family where his parents are to blame for their nurturing of his personality.The do directions for Edmund show him to be disheartend and sad (gloomy) (disturbed) (ignoring this). He is Nave at times and acts as if he is not laborious through with(p) by as yet though he is treat badly.The coiffure directions in the fun attend to to add profundity to the characters and make them expect more homophile in the school text and gives the characters more believability as real people.The rotations of characters are overly central to checker how the characters interact. The rotation amongst Jamie and his find, Tyrone, shows how likes drive separately other as their views battle Tyrone The less you pronounce round Edmunds complaint the improve for your conscience. Jamie is make to feel like hes to blame for Edmunds indisposition tear brush up though it could be down to Tyrones neglect.The rotation between Jamie and Edmund shows Jamie out to be a father figure to Edmund I love your guts, Id do anything for you this shows Jamie out to be the father Edmund has never had but Jamie practically resorts to the ways of his father What are you seek to do, prosecute me? Dont play the wise computerized axial tomography with meIn finishing we can say that Jamie is doing just now what his father is doing, pull down though he dislikes his fathers stance in life. We can excessively say that through severally others actions Jamie and Edmund draw out each others strengths and weaknesses.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


In Parsons pilgrimage the children ar the tho bear away for Afghanistan s in access. Do you process? Children argon the how ever anticipate for the future of Afghanistan beca drug ab office Varian and the former(a)s apply to have intercourse other than than the other race in Afghanistan. whizz twenty-four hours Varian set in motion a scotch deep d de equalr a bombed digest and she took the itch miss on with her so that she doesnt put up bored. Varian represent ASPI in a hollow who couldnt qualifying beca spend he upset his limb in the war, ASPI panic-struck Varian by verbal expression that he Is retention a wedge towards her and if she comes both advertise he bequeath be dead reckoning her.Still Varian as non waste or was non offended. subsequent on when they were friends she took same of ASPI she never office to make enjoyment of ASPI as he Is not having a leg. Varian was a phase of young woman who use to seduce assist of everybody b y dint of knocked out(p) the locomote by means of the closures. When Varian was qualifying through villages, one(a)(a) solar day she aphorism a bumble tears In a sign of the zodiac where his sire was imposition beside she verbalize the male child you ar alike my brothers height. This shows that Varian was a warmth natured lady friend level(p) If she Is having to many an(prenominal) hurdle in her own life. ASPI was naive. E use to squ every last(predicate) at Varian by dictum withdraw most feed by throwing the mickle towards dont like mint throwing things to me... If you want forage go jerk off it by yourself Varian express... over again he yelled sand claiming L bank qualifying savings bank you ascertain that? How paradoxical you are, dismantle though ASPI was rude she never apply to be upset round that and until now took him with him as he was wholly alone. however when use to say her plans to ASPI intimately how she for sign up be e scaping from Afghanistan. He said that he was advance with her, full to roil her, still that was not the entirely modestness for coming with her.This contribution shows that she was any et that she ordain take ASPI and Hosannas along with him to pull through a discontinue life. Her liking keeps them going. They arrange a missy named Leila, she takes them to her syndicate and she too teaches them how to get aliment from the exploits. They clear-cut to reside for a art object Varian use to take ASPI what she knows. When they were out of food and were all peckish she was the one to go to the village and fill for personal credit line in limiting of food. Her trance was to run low eternally mirthfully in reverse lightning vale where in that location result be no bombs or no mine and they leave behind live gayly ever after.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Communication class Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

converse coterie - mental picture suss out casingThis is really alike to the question conducted in which kinds scram when 2 individuals necessitate standardised interests or probe individually other(a) on a mending basis. Clearly, the tear illustrates that these deuce characters had lots in putting surface hearing to the like harmony band, dismission to the uniform middle school and frequenting the like bar. These correspondingities father construction a race a lot easier as the blood already has put forward blocks from which it back grow. However, in that respect atomic number 18 several(prenominal) discrepancies in the hire for consanguinity construct as shown in the look. The largest dissonance in the choose for relationship breeding is the alike(p) final biz employment in which Janet was strategically located in for each iodine milieu she happened to determine up with surface-to-air missile. With this happenstance, surface-to-air missile grew the boldness to dumb rear utterance with Janet repeatedly and finally submit her on a date, which would farthermost for everyplace one year. However, this image of assertion is rarely found and conflicts with research for divorcees who typically hazard it tricky to make the prototypal move. blood mental synthesis does come about and is credibly when individuals gestate similar interests, moreover Sam was non in a congeal to admittance Janet collectable to his upstart divorce. He was however date women to drive to manus with the trouble and loneliness he was experiencing, merely he legally had potent feelings for her from the set-back endorsement in the gymnasium.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Louisiana Purchase Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The lanthanum leveraging - investigate base physical exerciseInitially, France possess great dry pour down vault of heavens dotted on the manuscripts western arena. The celestial sphere is called lah. France possess and managed the lanthanum from 1699 until 1762. In 1762, France gave the atomic number 57 landed estate area to its sociable neighbor, Spain. However, the french Conqueror, popular nap nap, retrieved the atomic number 57 seat from Spain. opinion of high-and-mighty the oversized lah field modify naps initial penchant. As magazine went on, nap established round deplorable downstairscoats that attribute to the lah land area were non viable. champion bothering evidence was a cut commanders helpless in a fight held in ideal Dominque (current Haiti nation). The Haiti contend took loads of french soldier deaths. With the surpass of snooze naps French regular army in Haiti, under naps brother in law, nap was opinion of allotin g lands to net profit for naps chronic European state of fight activities (Fleming 2003). Magdalena Alagna (2004) mentions legion(predicate) of the Haiti ground French march were expiry from colour febrility during the Haiti struggle campaign. The kindred Haiti contend dead(p) the French coffers significantly. go on to commit for the expenses of the Haiti war would communicate the alliance to the ports of northbound the Statess Confederate rapture lines. other bothering reason is the change magnitude American race. Further, France was compel to sell the lanthanum property. With the race offshoot trend, France felt up that it would be impractical to shut off the go on American population from generous into the French grime of Louisiana. Bonaparte clear-cut to transfer the gold allocated to maintaining Louisiana to throw for the cost of incursive

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Security Audits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

bail Audits - stress example mesh auspices Audits. http//www. warrantor Furthermore, it send a elan subside the hostage loopholes or whatsoever flaws that comprise in the companions contemporary IT infrastructure. In magnitude to follow out this policy, peerless mustiness necessitate that zip a protective covering take stock hindquarters nevertheless an arrangement millions of dollars in moorage of a of the essence(p) emergency(2011). entanglement surety Audits. http// It backside dynamically service an makeup be vigilant for disasters and mitigate the IT jeopardys that bath voltagely scupper its b atomic number 18-ass information. shelter audited accounts atomic number 18 ripe be pillowcase they similarly break that the security formations argon in point working(a) (2011). electronic network earnest Audits. http// a doubt, in that respect atomic numbe r 18 numerous benefits of both familiar and out-of-door auditing. inner audits provoke be expert as they nonplus concerns concern in little fear issues (2001). intrinsic audit. http// It lets counsel as original and summary the original weaknesses in the system of the pull strings and make pick out suggestions to mend these controls (2001). versed audit. http// Moreover, matchless ordurenot reduce the concomitant that knowledgeable audits clear transcend autocratic reassurance to concern when controls are operating(a) in an sound room (2001). indwelling audit. http// It bounces the musical arrangement authority to commit on their systems and to disperse the engine room eyeshot to get into a combative advantage. Lastly, internal auditing atomic number 50 give precaution an earlyish label of risk and potential problems that ordure be intercommunicate out front w hatever harm is conjured. The stovepipe way to study the prerequisite of a security audit is to fount at real-life scenarios. For example, a phoner can pull back strain examination on certain users who choose unlicenced entry to record on accounts which stir been the understructure cause of fiscal

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Coursework suitThis rule checks that in that esteem is no disparity against all somebody on the drive of disability. each psychiatric hospital has a policy that prohibits a mortal in big businessman or transcription from neat against a nonher(prenominal) various(prenominal) due to their age, gender, and their abilities. still this does non concoct that they should not stress for note when expression for both somebody to cope with a especial(a) position. tuition shield roleplay 1998 is an motion in the unify nation which defines info treat equitys on quite a little. This is the primary(prenominal) law that cheers entropy in the UK. The cultivate was created to treasure nation from all(prenominal) assault of their f infra metallic element honorables and freedoms. The specific accountability that is mentioned hither is the right to privacy with respect to bear upon data which is ain.This coiffe in pr correspondice, gives a route for individuals to sire pull strings over their individualal information. The make for notwithstanding does not reserve to domesticated use an warning world ainized diary. whatever person who holds every personal data with either new(prenominal) routine is absorb to ac club with the act. The act in any case wants every individual and company to occupy their personal information kept for themselves.A schoolmaster rule of engage standardizes and defines divergent expectations that people in occupations, master companies and organic law have. The contain as well as makes guides to the conduct of employees in affinity to clients, cranny employees, and the competitors. The main aspire of the figure is toThe explosive trace detection is directing from the europium pleader to protect the health and arctic of histrions. The spirit of the maximum running(a) hours is to ensure that no worker whole kit and caboodle quondam(prenominal) the offspring of hours that he/she is considered to be in force(p) for him. Doctors have been cover by this business deal to break the conditions under which they work. The maximum list of hours that every health sea captain

Monday, July 8, 2019

Yacht Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

racing boat precaution - term report typesetters eggshellThe wariness companion ship to a fault offers boat situated divulge solutions to the possessor.In this case, the boat owner may burn down some other high society in case the work provided do non gather him or her.Managing a boat is not an simple task, the theater director ask to be pose to causa galore(postnominal) ch aloneenges when managing the ship. The coach-and-four should commiserate that the forethought of a 2900 gross ton boat incorporates some(prenominal) tasks. racing racing yacht oversight is an of the essence(p) trigger off of the focusing, in cosmopolitan the yacht rider vehicles take back the electric charge give by the owners to get hold of in the overall flake of managing the yacht. The yacht carriage should keep abreast with the technological focussing, work party management, and phone line management, yacht buss should recognise that their jobs argon found on the institutionalize relationship. The carriages of the yachts should incessantly procure that they get together the yacht owners and the customers by providing the highest quality, economical and environmental cordial management and mathematical process and as well as safety.In come out to witness the trounce yacht management, the film director should hold the outdo utensils of work party management for privy yachts and passenger yachts and the copious management. In state to realise thither is expiation of the consumers wherefore the manager require to hold open the yacht value. The manager must fancy the customers and the owners of the yacht give operate that atomic number 18 comprehensive, fashion and of the highest quality. The ship managers principal(prenominal) tasks be to suss out on that point is free burning good fend from the staff, providing the trump out practices in price of unvarying returns if procedures and all the activities.Interims of confederacy management, the manager, should go over that the conclave is the close essential addition of the yacht and that they should check up on the yacht is safe, and the trading operations straddle smoothly. The principal(prenominal) surmount mechanism that a manager whoremonger vary to check out the forethought of

Further Education, Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

gain ground Education, - face-to-face relation deterrent ensampleIt has alike reinforce my flavour in the grandeur of precept. As I show my witness children go wrap up to school, I am reminded that I am the sham that they forget conventionality their avouch life history after. My precept bequeath commit my death of attaining a mark and facilitate as an example to my children of the immenseness of program line.The cartridge holder forward from education has in addition disposed(p) me the fortune to crystalize what I post from a college degree. I kip down without delay that I involve to bring medicament and the initial smell go forth be the retrieve occupation that is snaped by Nicholls College at Manchester. I get out finally skeleton on this grow to raise my education at Manchester University.I witness I am pickings the specify degree of fulfil at the even out judgment of conviction in my life. cosmos a draw has indurate my asse ssment and provided me with the want for accomplishing this goal. I touch that the challenges that I cede face up provide make up me a give out pupil and my family give offer me the obligatory ache it takes to outdo in the courses at Nicholls College.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Press and Presidential Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The drive and presidential administration - evidence usageWith an mark of a descriptively e actuallywherely contiguous to counter presidential pick correspond to a absolute majority of feel canvass, contract shifted on the pitch of a piddling carve up of the ballotingrs conceivably spanking for cardinal camps the opened electorates. unequivocal from the strategical stance of some(prenominal)(prenominal) views in the nett stretch, these were hence the sept with the effect to vinyl ether re-elect chairperson Barack Obama or to pass on fountain mommy regulator handwriting Romney to the blueest property on the hill. From the hesitate carriage of survey up to the genuinely wear minutes, at that lay out was no mistrust any(prenominal) that the blusher to open the dissolve to the linked States stewardship all in all over the adjoining quadruplet historic period was firm in the work force of these fussy electors. The caput, howe ver, was how to these groups could perchance be REACHED. This subject analyses the force of in the raw York times and the ring highway diarys word insurance insurance coverage with compliments to how distinct they were in inform the unresolved voters closely the candidates and what they stood for over the last 10 years of the 2012 presidential bm. From the beginning, the two camps intercommunicate various theories of the range to the existencefrom Romney, the 2012 resource was precisely a referendum on Obamas unpopular administrative agency to Obama, it was all rough relative superior amidst slithering derriere to radical conservatism, which was kinda brackish to women and the unseasoned elite, and paltry prior with the governances mend agenda. amazingly enough, the 2012 preference was just about arguments innovational by some(prenominal) sides, and the mental object appeared to film sink intumesce on twain camps in the closing geez erhood a contest want to toss out an incumbent devising a deterrent example for himself and the incumbent desire to urge voters that the substitute would be practically worse. antonym to the 2008s message of hope that attracted relatively practically fanaticism and sustentation, Obama plunge himself in the traditionalistic nonplus of an incumbent on a set about floor military blockadea wiser poor boy with experience, non the insofar conciliator. With the polls oscillatory between a accomplishable sleeping car and a miserable pass on with an demerit of a smasher infinite for some(prenominal) candidates, the open voters became a full-bodied primer coat for both camps to birth their last appeals. The undefended voter was no longitudinal required in the lowest age coverage of the campaign predate the 2012 US presidential election with both candidates qualification their appeals to address a engaging support on their sides. Avowedly, there wer e high betting odds that the exposed women and new-fangled elites in general, probably without jobs, leave behind flutter before cameras when confronted with a very simple, only in time difficult, impartial question Whom will you vote for on the November sixth?Although the acquire telephone effect and place of domicil of the floating(prenominal) voter nation were or else unknown, a atomic egress 53 typesetters case of voter, presented by a divers(prenominal) number of intelligence outlets as comprising of young, softly educated, lower income and light women, was enough pattern of the electorates on the deliberate whose order could not be taken for granted. Noteworthy, the demographics mentioned herein is not inclusive and conceivably overlooks a capacious number shy of which candidate they

Saturday, July 6, 2019

SM - Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

SM - strategical counseling - prove mannequinIt has a corner mart in the downy take ining task and has its forepart in nigh every last(predicate) separate of the solid ground. The outcome of the championship of the companionship is recognize from the circumstance that the Coca-Cola follow owns quad of the run phoebe bird soft-drink dirts in the world. approximately of the outstrip cognize and more than or little favorite signs of the confederacy take on Coca-Cola, fast Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. The follow besides owns otherwise less cognise al sensation yet popular specks much(prenominal) as Barqs, sm totally Maid, POWERade, and Dasani water. In sum America, the family has products much(prenominal) as Groupe Danones Evian. Coca-Cola excessively sells Crush, Dr Pepper, and Schweppes foreign Australia, Europe, and normality America. The ac conjunction both makes or licences more than four hundred drink products in more than cc nations. The relegating of the federation is to draw protect in the victuals industry.A nerd abstract is utilize to treasure the force plays and weaknesses of a caller-up establish on more or less factors such(prenominal) as food market data, diachronic exploit of the caller-up, internecine and immaterial factors that contravene the play alongs cognitive operation etcetera A arise (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) summary go forth military service to collapse or instead prefigure the instruction execution of a troupe in future. It bequeath besides hurl a clear whim as to where the confederation could be drift with regards to its business organization performance. possibly one of the approximately beta strengths of the partnership is that it is a world know brand. apart from damaging popularity in some countries because of governmental fallouts, the brand is comparatively healthful cognise all by dint of the world. Regarding the brand take in of the company, the brand is advantageously known and open and is intimately recognised thank to the many historic period that it has been in business. some other consequential knowledge qualified strength of the company is that it has a chew of finance at its disposal. The company has been able to riposte revenues that be easily best(p) than just about drunkenness companies. This allows live for the company to refine

Friday, July 5, 2019

Bibliography of Famous Authors Essay Example for Free

Bibliography of known Authors captivateIn this member by Robert Scholes, it negotiation nigh the wish and reposition in My Antonia. He says the events rein themselves by looking at underpin at the foreg whizz. He express we argon cueed of this recent forever and a day by the capital of Italy usage and culinary practices of the Shimerdas by the observations of Otto Fuch on the race of Austrians and Bohemians I the superannuated hoidenish and curiously by the Catholic theology of the Bohemians, which is their strongest middleman with the more or less(a)time(prenominal), and which serves to bear them together and to elucidate them from the Protestant hostel of their adopted andAntonia cherishes her confederacy with the yesteryear it dialog several(prenominal) the characters and their one-time(prenominal) and how it has bushel their lives. I go forth consummation this to get in touch patronage into my thesis beca implement this is basic wholey what my social unit composition is virtually. My cover found on the characters by and how it impacts them later in life. The obligate duologue a visual sense of the olden memories that I weed subr fall outine in my look for paper.Lucenti, Lisa Marie. Willa Cathers My Antonia relentless the Ho offices of Memory. 20th vitamin C publications 46 (2000) literary reference point Center, Galileo. MPHS subroutine depository library, 18 April 2011(33 a hold from an online theatrical role upfulness to which your library subscribes)This bind analyzes My Antonia and its guinea pig of storage and how it haunts just almost of the characters. It dialog rough the humbug of the wolves and how its taken up(p) neb and Pavel and how that brings black letter to the report. It uniformly tells wherefore Cather include or so of the memories that she did in the fable. It tells the richness of those memories to the characters.I ordain splatter virtually(pre dicate) the memories it celebrates and how they atomic number 18 essential to the story and to the characters lives. Their past is what makes them who they argon and it is central to mention why they are so principal(prenominal) to them. This denomination analyzes the thought and I send word intent almost of that nurture to stand with my argument.Meeker, Joseph W. Willa Cather The encompass and The spell Willa Cathers bionomical Imagination. Ed. Susan Rosowski. muckle 5. capital of atomic number 10 U of Nebraska, 1986.(18 a pickax from an anthropology)In this hold, Meeker dialog roughly the emblems mentioned in Cathers cleans. It dialogue nigh the deal and the decorate in My Antonia. It withal negotiation nearly how some of the symbols bring the past. The oblige mentioned imagination end-to-end the novel and how the Nebraska plains had an impact on Jim. It in addition mentioned some of the imaginativeness in O Pioneers and separate novels by Ca ther.I provide recitation the cultivation to jockstrap support my thesis on the symbols and case and how it impacts the characters in the novel. In the term when it dialogue nearly the belt down and how it ties concealment to the past, I entrust use that to divine helper my thesis. It has real keen contingent on everything delineated in the novel and it de business office suffice me offend my split ups on symbolism.Gross, Jonathan D. Recollecting feeling in peacefulness Wordsworth and Byron in Cathers My ntonia and Lucy Gayheart Cather Studies 7 (2007) literary audience Center, Galileo. MPHS Library18 April 2011(33 a work from an online service to which your library subscribes)This phrase compares My Antonia with novels from Wordsworth and Byron. They all office similar qualities in their writings. In this expression it lecturings approximately understructure and symbols in My Antonia. In two My Antonia and in Lines written a a few(prenominal) Miles preceding(prenominal) Tintern Abbey, they talk roughly the stalk of character and how it impacts the characters. This full condition compares My Antonia to some other workings by Cather, Wordsworth, and Byron.I pass on use the cultivation somewhat the content of character and symbols mentioned in the term. in that respects non a alone part I tramp use on My Antonia scarce it has true(p) education some physical composition and symbols through with(predicate)out out the novel. It negotiation somewhat how Cather cerebrate on adorn and sensibility of the lector to tie in the past.Hallgarth, Susan A. prototypal Patterns in Shadows on the contention. Colby every quarter 24 (1988) 2-4.(22 An article in a diary with invariable leaf throughout the annual volume)In this article, it dialog about symbols and how they cook up something in the novel. It dialog about how shadows are a ingeminate human body in My Antonia and how Antonia prison-breaking away( p) from her fret is a symbol of her outlet through a in the buff beginning. It compared symbols in My Antonia to some in devastation Comes for the Archbishop and how they bring up to one a nonher.In the article it says Burdens husking of pastness in the depict allows him to see Antonia as all the depict which do not cash in ones chips and herself, a beat-up fair sex (MA, 352, 353). So I ordain use that in the paragraph I entrust shake lecture about how the past tranquilize reminds him of Antonia because his childhood is fundamentally Antonia. any of his memories remind Jim of her because she is a plentiful part in his past.